Kansas State Scenic Byways Updated Management and Marketing Plan USA

Ideas, Comments, Suggestions – The Kansas State Scenic Byways Updated Management and Marketing Plan


SW Associates was commissioned by the HTC Group to analyze the updated Kansas State Scenic Byways Management and Marketing Plan and provide ideas, comments and suggestions for an expanded version. The HTC Group was contracted to develop a comprehensive management plan for the integration of nine Byway programs in Kansas.

Activities & Services:

  • Reviewed documentation and analysis about the America’s Byways program in general and specifically the nine Byways in Kansas.
  • Reviewed documentation created by The HTC Group for revamping the Kansas State Scenic Byways Plans.
  • Provided strategic suggestions for enhancing the action plan proposed in the Draft Outline. Part I of this document.


Recommendations provided for:

  • Revised Mission and Vision Statements
  • Analysis of the three phase implementation plan
  • Expanded HTC Byways Toolkit