Post-conflict Karabakh Sustainable Tourism Development Azerbaijan


Scott Wayne was commissioned by the World Bank as part of a technical mission of “Support for Recovery and Peacebuilding Technical Assistance” that included a project titled “Improved Livelihoods for Internally Displaced Persons in Azerbaijan.” Working with the Office of the Special Representative, the activities included the following:

  1. Collecting information and data concerning the challenges and opportunities of sustainable tourism and cultural heritage as a source of economic development for Karabakh.
  2. Development of a “roadmap” for assisting sustainable tourism development in Karabakh and helping to activate a strategy for the region.
  3. Synchronizing the tourism and cultural heritage analysis with the other project tracks: a. Operationalizing Smart Villages in the South Caucasus and b. Establishing a Management Information System for the region.


Multiple areas of need were identified for developing sustainable tourism towards longer term aspirations and plans of recovery, restoration, and the development of Karabakh into a thriving cultural and ecotourism destination.

Case studies of post-conflict tourism were provided:

  • Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • Lebanon
  • Rwanda
  • Kosovo

Note: The geographic designations used are what are currently being used by the World Bank.