St Lucia – Tourism Investment St Lucia


Scott Wayne was commissioned by the International Finance Corporation’s Investment Climate Business Line to assist the Government of St Lucia with assessing, benchmarking and improving its tourism competitiveness. Through establishing a clearer framework for competitiveness, the Government could better prioritize and target its tourism development strategy more precisely, thus leveraging its resources and assets more strategically.

Activities & Services:

  • Defined and Activated a Tourism Sector Strategic Framework. Previously, Scott assisted with the establishment of an inter-ministerial and Public-Private sector Working Group and four sub-working groups, basing the Framework on the 14 pillars of issues identified in  the Tourism Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum.
  • He assisted working group members and the hired local consultant in focusing on four key issue areas critical to increased competitiveness: Infrastructure, Human Resources, Marketing & Product Development, and Policy & Investment.
    • The initial phase concentrated on the collection of key data from public and private stakeholders, and organize it into a central repository.
  • Assisted with the development and maintenance of a Tourism Sector Public-Private Dialogue, including improving the investment climate for tourism, building consensus around sensible policies and serving as a coordination and communication platform for other project activities.
  • Advised on regulatory simplification and licensing reform, including the reform of unclear tourism regulations.
  • Facilitated tourism SME growth through improved licensing and standards regimes.
  • Provided research and networking support to the Team and an outside firm that conducted a tourism competitiveness assessment and benchmarking study.
  • Help develop a Tourism Investment Strategy as part of the Competitiveness Framework, which assisted local stakeholders with identifying and realizing key strategic tourism investments.


  • St Lucia Tourism Investment Strategy
  • St Lucia Tourism Competitiveness Strategy – Full benchmarking of St Lucia tourism