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Where and When do Chinese Travel Outside China?

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Where and When do Chinese Travel Outside China?

Where and When do Chinese Travel Outside China?中国游客出境游的目的地和时间选择

By Scott Wayne and Anna Xie 斯科特.韦恩和谢安娜

According to a recent report by the China Tourism Academy (CTA), in the first half of 2011, approximately 32 million Chinese traveled abroad and spent US$28 billion, up by 19% and 17% respectively over the same period in 2010. According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization, China will be the world’s fourth-largest source of outbound tourists by 2020, with 100 million outbound travelers. With such delectable numbers, many destinations are striving to attract more Chinese tourists, especially while the traditional outbound generating markets of the US, Western Europe and Japan are still mired with economic challenges, which have softened some international outbound travel. 中国旅游研究院最近的一份报告指出,2011上半年大约有三千两百万中国游客到国外旅行,花费高达二百八十亿美元。分别比2010年同期增长19%和17%。 根据联合国世界旅游组织数据,到2020年中国将是世界第四大出国旅游客源国,有将近1亿出国游客。这些数据使得各大国家都想尽方法来吸引更多的中国游客,尤其当美国,西欧和日本这些传统的出境游客源国的经济仍受到挑战的时候,他们出境游的人数也呈疲软状态。

According to, the world’s largest Chinese language travel website, the top destinations for travelers from Beijing were Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, Bangkok, New York, Paris, Kuala Lumpur, London and Sydney.

Other destinations are also attempting to “capture” Chinese travelers. India, for example, has launched its ‘Incredible India’ campaign with dances and cultural events throughout China presenting India in an effort to woo Chinese visitors. Sri Lanka is also looking towards China to boost its inbound tourism. And the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Center has increased its marketing efforts in response to more interest among Chinese enterprises in incentive trips for their staff. 根据世界范围最大的中文语言旅游网站-去哪儿网,从北京出发的中国游客首选的前十名目的地包括:香港,东京,首尔,新加坡,曼谷,纽约,巴黎,吉隆坡,伦敦和悉尼。


As these and other destinations are learning, it is essential to understand the behavior of Chinese outbound travelers: 各大目的地都在争相吸引中国游客,最关键的是要了解中国出境游游客的消费习惯:

  • According to the Chinese hotel and destination review website (the Chinese version of Trip Advisor), about 34 percent of Chinese travelers choose budget hotels26 percent four-star hotels and 16 percent five-star hotels. 根据中国酒店和目的地评价网站-到到网,大约有34%的中国游客选择经济型酒店,26%选择4星级酒店,还有16%的选择5星级酒店。
  • Increasing numbers of Chinese prefer to visit one or two countries during an overseas trip. 越来越多的中国游客一趟出境游会游览一到两个国家。
  • More than 61 percent of Chinese tourists conducted online research ahead of their trips and about 48 percent of travelers adjusted their trips after conducting this research. 多于61%的中国游客在出游前会上网做一些调查准备,其中48%的游客会在网上调查之后调整自己的出游计划。
  • Shopping is perhaps the most important activity for Chinese traveling abroad with western brands and especially designer brands favored most. Prices are lower for top brands outside China. And the brands demonstrate a person’s social status and wealth. 对于中国游客来说,购物大概是最重要的活动之一,尤其是欧美的品牌,特别是设计师的牌子。由于这些品牌的售价在中国比在境外高。而且通过这些品牌可以展示个人的社会地位和财富。
  • Most Chinese travel occurs during holidays 大部分中国游客在节假日出游
Public Holidays 中国的法定节日
New Year’s Day 新年January 01 一月一号
Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) 春节Lunar calendar, varies, longest holiday, students have 1 month off and worker can have 3 days to 2 weeks off 中国的农历新年,学生可以有一个月的假,公司员工有3天到二周的假
Tomb Sweeping Festival 清明节April 05 四月五号
Labor Day 劳动节May 01 五月一号
Dragon Boat Festival 端午节June, varies based on lunar calendar 一般在6月,依农历而定
Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节September, varies based on lunar calendar 九月,依农历而定
National Day 国庆节Oct.1-3 (plus weekends, usually extended to 1 week) 十月1-3号,加上双休日,有一周的假
Summer Holiday 暑假Mainly for students and teachers, more than 2 months off 在校的学生和老师,能有2个多月的假

 For deeper information on Chinese travel habits, check out the following: 更多关于中国游客的详细信息,请参照以下资料:

The Green Book of China’s Tourism is compiled annually in Chinese by the Tourism Research Centre, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), the highest-ranking academic institution in China. It includes reports on China’s domestic, inbound and outbound tourism. In 2011 for the first time Social Sciences Academic Press (SSAP) of China and COTRI are cooperating to present this translation in English. The Green Book of China’s Tourism offers 16 chapters edited by tourism experts Zhang Guangrui, Song Rui and Liu Deqian and written by foremost academics, administrators and practitioners of tourism in China. The Green Book provides comprehensive analysis, forecast and prospect on key issues in Chinese tourism related to the industry, government policy, destinations and tourism research. 中国旅游绿皮书是由旅游研究中心和中国最具权威的中国社科院联手打造。它包括了中国国内旅游,入境游和出境游的各个报告。2011年,中国社会科学文献出版社和中国出境游研究所第一次联手推出此书的英文版。中国旅游绿皮书提供了由中国旅游业专家张广瑞,宋瑞和刘德谦编辑的,以及权威学者,行政管理者和业内人士撰写的16个章节。绿皮书提供了中国旅游涉及到行业,政策,目的地和学术研究的旅游综合广泛的分析,预测以及前景。